Future Solent 2014 Conference

November 7, 2014

One of the most compelling things about Gemma Lighting as a company is its constant and solid commitment to green energy. This in the shape both of practice and raising awareness of – and especially in the Solent area. Therefore, what more natural place to find Gemma Lighting than at the Future Solent 23rd Annual Conference? This event was held at Portsmouth Dockyards on 7th November 2014 and was intended to bring together the various elements of the green energy industry and explore their connection to each other and their contribution to the green energy sector. Gemma Lighting attended in their capacity as a green energy company and specifically a low carbon-high export business.

The conference featured an impressive structure for the day from Future Solent. It gave the opportunity to talk with businesses that had received grants from the Future Solent Green Growth programme, hear about the new Solent Energy strategy, find out who the new Hampshire Bank would be lending to, network with academics, the Public Sector and clean-tech clusters and give instant feedback on the perception of the Future Solent plans.

The overall theme was “energising the Solent”; recognising both the achievements and potential of the various businesses in the local area and how they could all contribute towards an ultimate aim. With an itinerary specifically geared towards the green growth businesses in the Solent area, the Future Solent Conference provided a valuable opportunity for those in the key industries to come together, whether as businesses, academics or public sector. The programme will support businesses from across the area covered by the Solent LEP but in particular will seek to support businesses within the two cities of Southampton and Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight. This is something which yet again made it particularly pertinent to Gemma Lighting.

With a strong focus on assessing how Future Solent has helped businesses to grow and create new jobs over the last year, it was always going to be an event of interest to Gemma Lighting. There are no more valuable lessons to be learned than what has contributed to business success. In addition, Future Solent took the opportunity to outline the Solent energy strategy; something which Gemma Lighting are firmly in the middle of. And what a good place to be. Future plans for the Solent area include creating a low carbon construction hub and clean-tech cluster. The focus on environmental issues has never been stronger, and this conference was an ideal venue for Gemma Lighting to showcase both achievement and commitment.