Increasing patient footprint – reduce carbon footprint!

October 14, 2015

Cutting costs in the NHS is always a primary focus for every Trust. Reducing financial liabilities without compromising on patient care is the ultimate aim. Saving money through spending less without losing doctors, nurses, surgeons or any aspect of medical care is a tough ask. But could there be a simple solution? Yes

In part. Looking outside the box in hospitals has already seen the LED light revolution hitting the rooms and corridors of the building. There are a stack of reasons why retrofitting LED lights is of huge benefit to hospitals inside – but what about casting the net wider and looking at the whole NHS site?

Light is such a huge focus on a site where people work around the clock. There are patients and medical personnel arriving and leaving at all hours of the night and these people cannot be left to stumble around in the dark. Hence the importance of good quality light.

Why LEDs on NHS sites?

LEDs offer a fantastic lighting solution. They combine high quality, consistent output with huge energy savings. Car parks, roads and walkways on NHS sites benefit from LEDs in a number of ways:

• Bright, clear lighting
• They can be tailored to specific areas
• No flickering as with standard lamps
• Very Low maintenance

But perhaps more importantly, LEDs are playing a starring role in reducing costs for the NHS through being energy efficient. Installing LED car park lighting at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Scotland has saved the Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Trust around £40,000. Plus, it has reduced their carbon footprint by 101 tonnes and overall energy consumption was down by 206,513 kwh over a six month period.

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In fact, NHS Trusts looking to use LEDs as a cost-cutting measure can expect to make annual carbon footprint reduction by 121 tones, along with capital payback periods for both energy and maintenance being just 2.8 years

Life expectancy is obviously a hot topic in hospitals – but what about the LEDs? How long do they last? On average, LED light installation will have a lifespan of 50,000 to 100,000hrs with minimal maintenance and the average reduction in lighting energy consumption is 70%. This is why LEDs are becoming more and more popular on NHS Trust sites. Quality, longevity and durability mean that they present a compelling image to NHS chiefs. Looking outside the hospitals, rather than inside, for cost cutting measures means that the changes are less drastic, actually benefit the patients and provide a green energy solution.

It also frees valuable funds to go towards patient treatment and care. The demands on the NHS for more and better drugs doesn’t stop and by switching to LED Hospital Lighting, the Trusts can begin to make this happen.

Read our How LED Hospital lighting solutions can help to save lives in the NHS?

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