Keep up to date with the latest news and industry insights from Gemma Lighting
AstroDIM LED Bollard: The Ultimate Automated Lighting Solution
The AstroDIM LED bollard is a stand-alone, dimmable lighting solution that automatically adjusts its light output without the need for manual control during predefined times. Ideal for clients seeking automated lighting control, it eliminates installation and...
Bollards with Photocell: Automated Lighting Solutions for Your Project
Bollard lights with photocell sensors offer a highly convenient and automated lighting solution. These sensors function like a light switch, turning on or off based on the amount of light (lux levels) detected in the area. This means no manual adjustments are...
DALI LED Bollards: Advanced Control for Efficient Lighting Solutions
DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) is a widely adopted protocol for controlling lighting systems. It is a 2-way communications protocol to provide communications between different components in a lighting system. It allows seamless communication between...
Emergency LED Bollards: Enhance Site Safety and Navigation
Safety is paramount when considering the protection of your site and its occupants. In the event of emergencies such as fires, power failures, or natural disasters, emergency measures should be in place to minimise the risks and ensure smooth evacuation. While...
PIR LED Bollards: Enhance Safety and Efficiency for Your Property
PIR LED bollards are a smart solution for adding an extra layer of security and energy efficiency to outdoor areas such as pathways, car parks, and property perimeters. Featuring Passive Infrared Sensors (PIR), these bollards detect infrared radiation emitted by...
LED High bay lighting- why it’s the right solution for the police?
With police operations going on continuously around the clock, having high quality lighting to operate effectively is one of their top priorities. But with police force officials continually looking at ways to cut expenses bills, finding an economic solution is...
LED’s – The MOD’s answer to budgetary constraints!
What do a Defence Infrastructure Organisation initiative and Exterior LED Lighting has in common? It sounds like the start of a bad joke but actually, there’s a strong link between the two. Why? There is no doubt that we are living in some of the most economically...
LED Police Lighting – It’s a fair cope – we’re guilty!
There are 43 police forces in England and Wales and this case study shows the enormous benefits, both financial and environmental, of the decision to switch to LED lighting for just one of these forces. Leicestershire police decided on three products from Gemma...
Increasing patient footprint – reduce carbon footprint!
Cutting costs in the NHS is always a primary focus for every Trust. Reducing financial liabilities without compromising on patient care is the ultimate aim. Saving money through spending less without losing doctors, nurses, surgeons or any aspect of medical care is...
Has the LED luminaire market doubled over the last four years?
Has the LED luminaire market doubled over the last four years? Lights. We’re surrounded by them all the time, in many different ways and strengths. Most of us use lights unthinkingly; but there are some who are more invested in the lighting market. And it’s these...
Exterior LED MOD lighting – How lighting can reduces redundancies and save money?
Exterior LED MOD lighting - How lighting can reduces redundancies and save money? It is impossible to underestimate the importance of light to human life. Since the dawn of time light has been a vital instrument in the progression of our species; encouraging plant...
How lighting impacts our lives?
Light. A simple, familiar concept these days which comes from a number of sources – and has a huge impact. From the very earliest days of civilisation, light has played an enormous role in the lives of humans. Our circadian rhythm, otherwise known as the sleep/wake...
Light up and save lives – the great streetlight debate.
The concept of lighting roads and streets is not a modern day one. The earliest street lighting was as long ago as the Roman and Greek civilisations. The idea behind it was predominantly security; to deter robbers and light paths clearly. However, the street-light...
LED Lighting for Police – Saving money without reducing the force size!
LED Lighting for Police The police force is one of our most valued civic bodies. In terms of public safety and security, crime fighting and managing hostile situations, their job is never over. Working in a shift pattern around the clock, our police officers do...
How LED Hospital lighting solutions can help to save lives in the NHS?
A strong statement – but an entirely reasonable one. In the UK, our multi-billion pound healthcare system is arguably the most advanced in its structure and function worldwide. Billions of people rely on receiving ongoing medical care from the NHS each year....
Sun light utilised by Solar LED Street Lighting
We’ve come a long way since prehistoric times, and whilst we may not rely on seeds or woolly mammoths to survive, our modern day society is edging back towards the caveman style of thinking. Attention within the lighting industry is turning sharply towards...
Making the switch to LED Car Park Lighting – what’s your reason?
Since high power LED’s exploded onto the market over ten years ago, their use in commercial lighting has become both more widespread and comprehensive. From the specific lighting of small areas, to lighting on an industrial scale, more and more companies are...
How can LED Lighting save the MOD money?
How can LED Lighting save the MOD money? In a climate where the word ‘austerity’ is on everyone’s lips, the UK is no exception. The economy needs an overhaul and cuts must be made. But perhaps we can ask - where exactly are the Government looking to make these...
Lighting The Way: why LEDS continue to storm the marketplace
Though small in size, the light-emitting diode, or LED as it is more commonly known, made a huge impact when it first arrived on the scene. And this was not just in the lighting industry, but in almost every industry; this was a revolutionary little thing....
What does the future hold for LED lights? – Part C
Ever heard lights described as ‘intelligent’? Probably not. But this is exactly what LED lights are bringing to the market. Another trend which is emerging is that of electronic apps, known as ‘intelligent lighting controls’. These apps link together to form one...
What does the future hold for LED lights? – Part B
The second area in which LEDs are steadily climbing ahead is in comparison to the more traditional fluorescent tube lighting. Using LED lights offers businesses the chance for more options, such as varying colours, dimness and brightness. This has specific...
What does the future hold for LED lights? – Part A
Following their meteoric rise to success and increasingly widespread usage, the question now is - what does the future hold for LED lights? It’s impossible to predict exactly, of course, but there are 3 emerging trends which are certainly worth following; these...
LED lighting for the retail market?
LED lighting is an established force in the business industry, with hundreds of businesses including the Marriott hotel chain and Co-op food group, now choosing to use this eco-friendly lighting option. However it has yet to make its mark within the consumer retail...
Low Carbon – High Export
Exporting. This is one of the cornerstones of Gemma Lighting and quite often key to the successful global expansion of a company. But it’s not always easy to achieve. With many businesses fighting for the same opportunities, quite often the chances of success are...
The March of LED progress
LEDs are a fast emerging technology, best known so far as indicator lamps in electronic equipment. However they are rapidly becoming a popular choice for household lighting, because of their 80% improved efficiency compared to incandescent light bulbs. Their...
Gemma Lighting: Made In Britain.
July 2011 – a survey by Which? Magazine asked “Would a Made In Britain logo help you to buy British?” An overwhelming 84% of respondents said yes, a clearer indication than ever before about the strength of British loyalty to their home brands. So - what are we as...
All Lit Up
LED lighting technology is not a new concept. It has been around for over fifty years now; it first appeared in 1962 as practical electronic components. These early versions of LEDs were found in indicator lamps for electronic devices, and shortly afterwards they...