What does the future hold for LED lights? – Part A

November 12, 2014

Following their meteoric rise to success and increasingly widespread usage, the question now is – what does the future hold for LED lights? It’s impossible to predict exactly, of course, but there are 3 emerging trends which are certainly worth following; these will be examined over the next three blogs.

The first of these is the use of LED lights to enhance mood. These lights have shown huge increase in popularity over the last few years and especially with businesses. They have achieved their popularity simply because they can save energy and therefore reduce commercial costs and they work towards a sustainable future. Likewise, major retailers are increasingly favouring LED lights now because of their sustainability targets. Tiny though they are, LEDs seem set to create more future innovations than other types of lighting technologies. Ultimately, the potential future benefits could impact electrical fitting and the business environment in many ways. For example, reducing cost and improving energy efficiency would have a very positive effect on the working environment of an office; not least in reducing stress by lighting both economically and sustainably.

It’s been a widely accepted concept for years that working in a windowless environment with artificial light can be a negative experience for employees. It promotes depression and has a bad impact upon employee attendance, morale and performance. Therefore, a better solution has been sought to solve this problem. Interestingly, many businesses are finding a new solution in simply switching to LED lights. By improving their lighting options, they are finding that they are able to create a more beneficial, happier environment through using newly innovated lighting systems. Among other things, such as the actual quality of the light, these systems can adjust light throughout the day to blend in more with natural, daily lighting patterns. By emulating these patterns, the lights are able to create a more solid and reassuring atmosphere, which in turn increases employee productivity and this of course is a strong motivating factor in the decision to use LEDs.

As well as this, businesses can also use their lighting systems integrated with their mobile phones. This might sound a pointless and sci-fi-esque exercise, but in reality it means that lights can switched on or off remotely or, even more excitingly, a room’s lighting can customised via an app. As well as the obvious advantages, there is also a positive cost-reducing element. By cutting down on the number of hours of unnecessary usage, these businesses will also be reducing their cost.