LED Police Lighting – It’s a fair cope – we’re guilty!

October 23, 2015

There are 43 police forces in England and Wales and this case study shows the enormous benefits, both financial and environmental, of the decision to switch to LED lighting for just one of these forces. Leicestershire police decided on three products from Gemma Lighting to revolutionise their lighting solutions at the police headquarters in Ender by; the Sovereign LED high bay light, the Majestic LED street light and the Spitfire LED flood light. With an area of over 956 square miles to cover and with nearly one million people relying on them, effective lighting was something that Leicestershire police had to take very seriously. To this end, they sought advice from Humberside police who had already had LEDs lighting manufactured and supplied by Gemma Lighting. After taking advice, weighing up the potential savings and understanding the energy efficiency, LED lighting was the answer for Leicestershire Police. This resulting in Gemma Lighting being the way forward for their lighting.

Out with old, in with the new

The LEDs were to replace the old metal halide lights. Why? The increasing cost of maintenance meant the traditional light were becoming uneconomical. Especially in an environment where every penny had to be accounted for. The police were under pressure to reduce costs and switching to LEDs was one way in which they chose to tackle the issue. Replacement control gear and lamps for the metal halide luminaries were just part of the £10,000 per year costs. As well as virtually eliminating maintenance costs, the LEDs also reduced the energy bill by half.

Part of the beauty of LED lights is their flexibility and the fact that they can be tailored to individual customer preference. Gemma made an onsite visit to the Leicestershire police headquarters to assess and discuss their lighting requirements and possible solutions. Initially, there were two Gemma products fitted:
1. Sovereign LED High Bay light. This is an extremely versatile product with side pods meaning that it can be mounted on walls, ceilings and at different heights. It replaced 150W lighting.
2. Majestic LED Street light. This was chosen for the car parks due to its durable, and highly weather resistant, performance.

Following the success of the initial installations, the Spitfire LED Flood Light was chosen for additional car park and outside areas though out the site. This put the total of Gemma Lighting LED lighting units used onsite at more than 250. An additional benefit for the Police was the high quality, bright white light produced by LEDs. The white light provided excellent picture clarity for the all-important security CCTV.

On just this one police site, Gemma Lighting was able to produce cuts in maintenance costs of £28,378.09. The new lighting system also meant a reduction of 127 carbon tonnes; 73 of these being saved solely through the new garage lighting.

Leicestershire police are almost certainly the forerunners in what is predicted to be a seismic shift towards LEDs. Going forward LED Police lighting will be the way police sites are to be illuminated in the future.

Read more here on LED Police Lighting:

LED Lighting for Police – Saving money without reducing the force size!

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