Cut costs and save energy with the new Green Business Fund from the Carbon Trust!

April 28, 2016

The Carbon trust has launched a new fund providing vital capital for SME’s to replace old, power guzzling equipment, together with expert advice to boost the energy efficiency and productivity of businesses in England, Scotland and Wales.

The £7 million fund has been made available to SMEs on a first come-first served basis, and will offer energy savings training, cost saving assessments, implementation advice, and capital support for the installation of energy efficient equipment. Eligible companies can apply for a capital contribution of up to 15% of an energy efficiency project or equipment replacement cost; to a maximum of £10,000.

Cue LED Lighting solutions, one of the most effective and efficient ways of making significant savings in terms of cost and energy. Lighting is one of the categories that funding can be used for, along with heating, ventilation and efficiency controls. Gemma Lighting are experts in supplying LED lighting across a range of business sectors, including manufacturing, retail and hospitality.

10 Benefits of LED lighting:

  • Long Life Span
  • Large energy savings
  • Low maintenance
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Operate in extreme temperatures both on the plus and minus scale
  • Instant strike up time
  • Zero UV emissions
  • High quality of light

The new fund will focus on high quality implementation to ensure the best energy efficient opportunities are fully realised.  Research has shown that 37% of businesses nationwide would like to take more action to improve their energy efficiency.

To read more about the Green Business Fund on the carbon trust website.

To contact Gemma Lighting please call 0800 9995201 or alternatively email us on

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