LED Street Lighting – Christmas Edition

December 12, 2022
LED Street Lighting Christmas Game from Gemma Lighting, UK Manufacturer of Exterior LED Lighting

It’s Back!!! Our LED Street Lighting Game has been revamped, and like a Christmas Miracle, ready in the nick of time. Play the game now and throughout December for a chance to win a holiday hamper.

How To Play
Use the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to move the van.
Use the UP and Down arrow keys to operate the crane.
Press the SPACE BAR to throw snowballs at them.
Press P to pause the game and R to resume.

Pro Tips
Move the engineer so that he can replace each street light lamp with an LED luminaire.
Watch out for the Robins and Turkey’s along the way. If they hit the engineer his health bar will decrease.

You can knock the birds out of the way using snowballs. You will get bonus time for each one you hit.

The more lamps you change, the more savings you will make.
Aim for the higher lights to save even more money.

Holiday Hamper Prize
The winner of the holiday hamper will be announced on the 4th January 2023.

Christmas Hamper Prize from Gemma Lighting
Image above shows the Christmas Hamper Prize from Gemma Lighting.
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